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●Shikata S, Takemura Y. Secondhand smoke exposure and risk of lung cancer in Japan: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies. Jpn J Clin Oncol;47(3):282.(2017 Mar)
●Tanizaki R, Oya M, Takemura Y. Purpura on the truncus and extremities. Emerg Med J;34(3):174.(2017 Mar)
●Ukai T, Shikata S, Kassai R, Takemura Y. Daikenchuto for postoperative adhesive small bowel obstruction; Systematic review and meta-analysis. World J of Meta-analysis; 4(4): 88-94.(2016)
●Goto M, Takemura YC. Which medical interview skills are associated with patients' verbal indications of undisclosed feelings of anxiety and depressive feelings? Asia Pac Fam Med;15:2.(2016 Feb)
●Ukai T, Shikata S, Takeda H, Dawes L, Noguchi Y, Nakayama T, Takemura YC. Evidence of surgical outcomes fluctuates over time: results from a cumulative meta-analysis of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy for acute appendicitis. BMC Gastroenterol;16(1):37.(2016 Mar)
●Ie K, Ichikawa S, Takemura Y. Development of a questionnaire to measure primary care physicians’ scope of practice. BMC family practice; 16: 161.(2015)
●Goto M, Yokoya S, Takemura Y, Gayle AA, Tsuda T. Describing the factors that influence the process of making a shared-agenda in Japanese family physician consultations: a qualitative study. Asia Pac Fam Med;14(1):6.(2015 Jun 5)
●Horibata K, Tanoue A, Ito M, Takemura Y. Relationship between renal function and serum magnesium concentration in elderly outpatients treated with magnesium oxide. Geriatr Gerontol Int;16(5):600-5.(2016 May)
●Takamura A, Ie K, Takemura Y. Overcoming challenges in primary care education: a trial of a longitudinal integrated clerkship in a rural community hospital setting in Japan. Educ Prim Care;26(2):122-6.(2015 Mar)
●Horibata K, Takemura Y. Inappropriate use of ambulance services by elderly patients with less urgent medical needs. Tohoku J Exp Med;235(2):89-95.(2015)
●Ukai T, Shikata S, Inoue M, Noguchi Y, Igarashi H, Isaji S, Mayumi T, Yoshida M, Takemura YC. Early prophylactic antibiotics administration for acute necrotizing pancreatitis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci;22(4):316-21.( . 2015 Apr)
●Ino A, Yoshimoto H, Mizutani N, Kato N, Hirohuji H, Takemura YC. Comparison between alcoholic patients and primary care patients for the use of the ambulance. Nihon Arukoru Yakubutsu Igakkai Zasshi;48(5):314-23.(2013 Oct)
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●Saigal P, Takemura Y, Nishiue T. Factors considered by medical students when formulating their specialty preferences in Japan: Finding from a qualitative study. BMC Med Educ;7:31.(2007)
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●Takemura Y, Sakurai Y, Yokoya S, Otaki J, Matsuoka T, Ban N, Hirata I, Miki T, Tsuda T. Is the amount of information elicited from patients during a medical interview associated with patients’ likelihood of continuous care with their physician? Primary Care Japan;4:40-46.(2007)
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